Моята снимка
Sofia, Bulgaria; Just a woman in a Man's Man's World... Wife, mother of a 20+year-old boy -a young philosopher. Make cards sometimes and I was a proud DT member of IKEsWORLD CHALLENGES.

неделя, 30 юни 2013 г.


June photo a day challenge list  

30. Handwriting: Take a photo of handwriting. Maybe you’ll have to step away from the computer and pick up a pen!
Писма от баба ми - майката на майка ми, която живееше при вуйчо.
Всички те започват с  - днес ходих за пенсията. В едно от тях ми е изпратила кокичета и плетена от нея мартеница.

Letters from my grandmother - my mother's mother. She lived with the family of her son.
All letters start with "today I went for the pension."
In one of them she sent snowdrops and hand-knitted by her martenitsa.

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